Complaints Policy

Complaint received

Customer raises complaint with Jsr Energy Consultancy. Jsr Complaints team will log, investigate and resolve the customers complaint. Once investigated an appropriate root cause will be selected. At this point, the complaint will be deemed to be justified or not against the Energy Advisor.

All complaints will be uploaded into the system, The Manager will investigate and update their findings on to the system. The manager will review and discuss. Complaints will be uploaded daily, with investigation, resolution and outcome to be completed within 5 days unless otherwise agreed with Jsr, depending on the severity of the complaint the advisor may be suspended from the campaign immediately – with investigation to follow.

The Manager should include full details of their investigation summary and findings. For an unjustified complaint, the manager will discuss with advisor if there may be a requirement for feedback or coaching. For example, an advisor who receives multiple unjustified complaints may have an underlying reason which can be addressed via feedback or coaching.

The Manager should deliver feedback to the Advisor and discuss current performance management stage, where applicable for all Upheld complaints.

The complaint should be fed back to the agent within 48 hours or the agreed SLA; however this is dependent on location of the advisor, annual leave, and sickness. The feedback form should be signed and dated by both the advisor and person responsible for providing complaints feedback.

Investigation Process

Regional sales director or sales manager will then meet the advisor either the same day or the next working day and conduct an interview to get advisor feedback and the regional director or sales manager will also give their feedback.

If applicable, the call relating to the complaint must be listened to in full. In addition to this, a Complaints Investigation Form should be completed. If action is to be taken this should be fed back to the Energy Advisor using the Complaints Investigation Form, signed by the manager representative, and the Energy Advisor then placed in the advisors Performance Management file.

If any interviews were held with the Energy Advisor resulting in disciplinary action then documented evidence of this should also be held in the Energy Advisor file including the disciplinary letter where appropriate. All fully completed feedback forms should also be loaded to the complaint record on the system.

The Manager should include full details of their investigation summary and findings. For an unjustified complaint, the manager will discuss with advisor if there may be a requirement for feedback or coaching. For example, an advisor who receives multiple unjustified complaints may have an underlying reason which can be addressed via feedback or coaching.

The Manager should deliver feedback to the Advisor and discuss current performance management stage, where applicable for all Upheld complaints.

Complaint upheld or not upheld

All investigation notes will be passed to company directors who will then make a final decision on whether the complaint should be either upheld or not upheld. The directors will also take into account the serious or nature of the complaint and make the decision on whether to dismiss the advisor or arrange further training before the advisor is allowed back to resume their duties.

Advisor dismissed or receives further training

Directors will review the feedback noted from advisor and investigating person. A decision will then be reached on what action needs to be taken and logged onto the system.

If you have a Complaint

If you are not happy with how we are dealing with your complaint you can get in touch via the details below:

T: 0113 873 0177

Complaints Management Team
Unit 22
Shine Building